Wood Innovation of Tokyo Co., Ltd.

What can we help you with?
We provide support for architect offices,
building contractors, and precutting factories.
Our aim is to develop into an architect office
that breaks through existing notions.
We can take on board the concerns of design departments and find answers in a flexible manner. We can offer solutions for an array of issues, including a lack of design personnel and operational support during busy periods. We aim to support our customers' growth as a design and planning partner. Staff at our Saitama Office and Bacolod Office (Philippines) look forward to proposing ways in which we can support your back-office operations.
Services for precutting factories

- ■Precut CAD operation service
■Creation of initial plan drawing, plan drawing
after meeting, processing data - ■CAD systems used
Miyagawa Koki software
Net Eagle software
Toa software
Services for builders (design assistance)

- ■N value/shear wall provision calculations
- ■Creation of plan, foundation and precut drawings
- ■Performance evaluations/long-term quality
- ■Allowable stress calculations
- ■Thermal insulation calculations
- ■Picking and retrieving secondary materials
Services for architect's offices

■CAD operation service for general residential
projects, medium to large building projects,
and special building projects
Creation of plan, foundation and precut drawings
Unit processing drawings
N value/shear wall provision calculations, allowable stress calculations,
thermal insulation calculations, performance evaluations, long-term quality,
picking/retrieving heat insulating materials, creation of component drawings, etc.
Capital: 10 million yen
No. of employees: 30 (incl. employees at overseas CAD centers)
Inquire via an online form
Inquire via telephone
Wood Innovation of Tokyo Co., Ltd.
Tel:+81-48-614-9288 Fax:+81-48-614-9287
Urawa Unit 2F, 399-1 Nakao, Midori-ku, Saitama City, Saitama 336-0932, Japan